NEWTON is pleased to announce that it is rebranding as NEWTON University. This change will allow the school to better communicate the value of its education to a global audience and, in so doing, will support NEWTON’s international growth ambitions.
The past year has seen NEWTON go from strength to strength, with student numbers increasing despite the difficult circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. The move to online teaching has been very successful, enabling NEWTON not only to continue its existing teaching programmes, but also to identify opportunities to broaden its offering and invest in new technology.
Anna Plechata Krausova, the Vice-Chancellor for International Relations, describes her vision for the school: “My main ambition is for studying at NEWTON to both open doors to the rest of the world for our students, and also open the door to Europe for international students.”
In support of this new and exciting international chapter in NEWTON’s story, the rebrand as NEWTON University will bring the school’s name in line with other higher education institutions, increasing its appeal for both foreign students and partner academic institutions.
Jan Mojžíš, the university’s Chancellor, explains the change of name as follows: "In the Anglo-Saxon world, ‘college’ typically means a school that issues qualifications up to a bachelor's degree, but also lower-level qualifications. This is especially the case in the United States. At NEWTON, we have bachelor's, master's and postgraduate programmes, and we must therefore have a name that clearly communicates the level of education we offer, in an international context.”
Along with the change of name, NEWTON is expanding its English language bachelor’s programme in Global Business and Management, which students will be able to study either on campus, or entirely remotely.
"Distance learning will predominate in English teaching, because we expect to have students studying from around the world. We are preparing to use interactive forms of online teaching so that our students can learn from anywhere. And also, because our lecturers won’t have to always teach from one of our classrooms, we plan to use the opportunity to host more lectures by experts from industry and from international universities,” says Dr. Mojžíš.
The programme is intended for both Czech students who wish to study in English in order to improve their professional English or to prepare for further study abroad, and for international students who want to access the benefits of studying in Europe, but who value flexibility of being able to study remotely for some or all of the programme.
In the future, NEWTON plans to offer more degree courses in English, including MBA and doctoral programmes.
To complement the programme, the school’s activities will be going fully bilingual. Dr. Plechata says, “we’re increasing the number of English and bilingual events, activities, career support and networking opportunities – in fact, making sure that everything we offer to our Czech students is equally available in English. This will also be of real value to our Czech students, as it will allow them to get used to using professional English, which will be a great asset in their future careers.”
In tandem with these changes, NEWTON is investing in an ambitious programme of upgrades and enhancements to its educational enrichment offering. This includes setting up a careers centre to assist students in finding internships, writing C.V.s, and getting started on their ideal career paths. In addition, the University is launching a business startup accelerator to help ambitious students get their businesses off the ground, with help from a dedicated mentor.
NEWTON has also used the opportunities offered by covid to explore the learning technologies of the future: with the recent launch of NEWTON TV, the University has reinforced its position as a thought-leader in the business and management space. As well as providing informative content to both NEWTON students and the general public, the channel will be used for online teaching, to ensure students studying remotely don’t have to worry about technical issues. It will also host NEWTON Minds, a new lecture series featuring prominent figures from the international business and academic communities
The University’s international vision extends still further. “I’m really keen to expand NEWTON’s international network, to allow even more opportunities for student exchanges, as well as research collaborations. We already have a lot of great partners, including lots of European universities in the ERASMUS network, but we’re looking to build on this, adding more institutions both in- and outside of Europe,” says Dr. Krausova.
Applicants can apply for the Bachelor’s in Global Business and Management until September 30, 2021. More information is available here.
NEWTON University: Introducing a new chapter in our school’s journey
Kategorie: NEWTON University
02.04.2022 10:48:51, Bc. Michal Stružka, MBA, zhlédnuto: 311x, reakcí celkem: 0Reagovat na příspěvek
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Poslední aktualizace údajů na stránce: 15.09.2024 09:58:48.